Streamline, Optimize, Succeed – The Tangentia Guide to Automotive Automation

Streamline, Optimize, Succeed - The Tangentia Guide to Automotive AutomationStreamline, Optimize, Succeed - The Tangentia Guide to Automotive Automation

Streamline, Optimize, Succeed – The Tangentia Guide to Automotive Automation

The automotive industry thrives on innovation. In today’s dynamic landscape, dealerships face mounting pressure to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and adapt to the ever-evolving digital landscape. Tangentia emerges as a frontrunner in Autonomous Digital Transformation, empowering dealerships with cutting-edge AI-powered solutions tailored specifically for the automotive industry.

Tangentia’s Intelligent Automation platform, or TiA, represents a paradigm shift for back-office processes. This industry-specific solution leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence to automate previously time-consuming and resource-intensive tasks. Imagine a world where mundane data transfer, FASTag management processes, and vehicle registration processes are handled seamlessly by intelligent bots like the Data Transfer Bot and FASTagBot. TiA’s Vaahan Registration Bot exemplifies this transformation, facilitating effortless data transfer between internal systems, ERPs, and vehicle registration platforms, maximizing efficiency.

Tangentia’s commitment extends beyond automation. Through a strategic collaboration with IBM, Tangentia bolsters automotive businesses with a robust layer of cybersecurity, ensuring access to the latest cloud-based solutions. Furthermore, Tangentia provides unparalleled 24/7 support across North America, Mexico, and India, guaranteeing peace of mind for its clients.

The tangible benefits of Tangentia’s intelligent automation solutions are undeniable. By streamlining back-office processes, optimizing financial transactions, and empowering effective data management, Tangentia delivers a powerful trifecta: increased operational efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and significant cost and time savings. This translates to a competitive edge for dealerships, allowing them to stay ahead of the digital transformation curve.

Industry analysts predict significant growth in the automotive industry automation in the coming years. The global robotic process automation market size was valued at USD 2,942.7 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.9% from 2023 to 2030. This surge is driven by the potential for automation, to deliver:

Reduced processing times

Automation can slash processing times for tasks like data entry and report generation by up to 65%, freeing up valuable human resources to focus on higher-value activities.

Enhanced accuracy

By eliminating human error in repetitive tasks, automation can significantly improve data accuracy, leading to fewer errors and rework.

Improved customer satisfaction

Faster turnaround times and fewer mistakes translate to a more positive customer experience, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Tangentia is more than just an automation provider; it’s a transformative force in the automotive industry. Our solutions empower dealerships to operate with unparalleled efficiency, unlocking the future of automotive success. In a world where every second counts, Tangentia ensures that dealerships capitalize on their most valuable asset: time. By partnering with Tangentia, dealerships can embrace the future of automotive efficiency and propel themselves towards continued success.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for Tangentia's TiA implementation. Book a discovery call with us today to find out more about what Tangentia Intelligent Automation solutions can do for you.

The Tangentia Advantage

By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes, TiA empowers telecom companies to:

  • Reduce operational costs
  • Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Increase employee productivity
  • Drive innovation and growth

Ready to unlock the potential of automation in your automotive business? Contact Tangentia today and discover how TiA can help you achieve your goals.

Get Started on Your Intelligent Automation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a Tangentia’s automation expert today to find out more.

Building a Smarter, Stronger Supply Chain : The Power of Intelligent Automation

Building a Smarter, Stronger Supply Chain : The Power of Intelligent Automation Building a Smarter, Stronger Supply Chain : The Power of Intelligent Automation

Building a Smarter, Stronger Supply Chain : The Power of Intelligent Automation

Empty shelves, delayed deliveries, and soaring prices. It's undeniable – the global supply chain is facing a major crisis. But amidst the chaos, there's a beacon of hope: Intelligent Automation, and Tangentia is leading the charge.

From Complexity to Clarity

Understanding the crisis necessitates a holistic view. It's a multi-pronged puzzle, with labor shortages, material scarcities, logistical bottlenecks, and unpredictable demand swirling together. COVID-19, globalization, and inaccurate forecasting have simply exposed the underlying fragility of the system.

The Tangentia Advantage

At Tangentia, we believe real-time visibility, dynamic information flow, and rapid response are the keys to unlocking supply chain resilience. This is where intelligent automation steps in, powered by a potent blend of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Our Automation Arsenal
  • TiA AI-powered bots: They tirelessly gather and analyze data from every corner of the supply chain, painting a clear picture of the present and predicting the future. This empowers businesses to anticipate disruptions, optimize inventory, and proactively manage workflows.
  • Seamless connectivity: Imagine bots constantly conversing with suppliers, distributors, and market sources, relaying accurate, real-time information 24/7. This fosters agility and enables swift course correction when needed.
  • Unburdening human workers: Repetitive tasks are a drag on human productivity. Automation frees up employees to focus on higher-value activities, like strategic planning and supplier relationship management.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for a TiA (Tangentia Intelligent Automation) implementation. Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s intelligent automation team today to find out more about how AI can supercharge your supply chain.

Investing in Future-Proofing

Supply chain disruptions are here to stay. But with Tangentia's intelligent automation tools, businesses can weather the storm. We offer comprehensive training programs, equipping your workforce with the skills to harness the power of automation.

So, embrace the future. Embrace Tangentia. Let's navigate the supply chain crisis, together.

Get Started on Your Supply Chain Transformation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s B2B automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.

LLM Powered Robotic Process Automation: Unleashing the Industry Transformation Revolution

LLM Powered Robotic Process Automation: Unleashing the Industry Transformation Revolution LLM Powered Robotic Process Automation: Unleashing the Industry Transformation Revolution

LLM Powered Robotic Process Automation: Unleashing the Industry Transformation Revolution

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, industries are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations, cut costs, and increase efficiency. One remarkable innovation that has emerged in recent years is Robotic Process Automation (RPA). RPA has become a game-changer for businesses looking to automate routine tasks and improve productivity. But what if we could take RPA to the next level by incorporating Language Model Models (LLMs) into the mix? In this blog, we will explore the concept of LLM-powered Robotic Process Automation and its potential to revolutionize industries across the globe.

The Rise of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation is the technology that allows businesses to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks using software bots or “robots.” These bots are programmed to perform tasks just like a human would but with higher speed and accuracy. RPA has found its application in various industries, including finance, healthcare, customer service, and manufacturing. It has successfully reduced human errors, increased efficiency, and freed up employees to focus on more value-added tasks.

What are Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model that is designed to understand and generate human language. These models are built using deep learning techniques, particularly a type of neural network architecture called a transformer, which has proven highly effective for natural language processing tasks. LLMs have found applications in a wide range of fields, including natural language understanding, machine translation, chatbots, content generation, and more. They continue to be a subject of active research and development, with ongoing efforts to improve their capabilities and address their limitations.

Key characteristics of Large Language Models include:

Supply Chain Solutions:
  1. Size: LLMs are characterized by their large number of parameters, often in the billions. Models like GPT-3, GPT-4, and their variants are examples of LLMs. The large size allows them to learn and represent a vast amount of language data, making them capable of understanding and generating human-like text across a wide range of topics and languages.
  2. Pretraining and Fine-Tuning: LLMs are typically pre-trained on a massive corpus of text data from the internet, which helps them learn grammar, vocabulary, and world knowledge. After pretraining, they can be fine-tuned on specific tasks or domains to make them more specialized.
  3. Generative Abilities: LLMs can generate coherent and contextually relevant text. They can be used for tasks such as text generation, language translation, text summarization, and more.
  4. Natural Language Understanding: LLMs excel at natural language understanding tasks, such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and question-answering. They can comprehend and analyze text based on the context and provide meaningful responses.
  5. Versatility: LLMs are versatile and can be adapted to various language-related tasks with relatively little task-specific training.
  6. Ethical and Societal Considerations: The development and use of LLMs raise ethical and societal concerns, including the potential for misuse in generating fake news, biased content, and privacy implications.
  7. Computational Resources: Training and using LLMs require significant computational resources, including powerful hardware and access to large datasets. This makes them accessible primarily to well-funded organizations and researchers.
The Power of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models, like GPT-3.5, have gained significant attention for their ability to understand and generate human-like text. These models are pre-trained on vast amounts of text data and can perform tasks such as language translation, and content generation, and even answer questions with remarkable accuracy. LLMs have been a transformative force in the fields of natural language processing and artificial intelligence.

The Synergy of LLMs and RPA

Imagine a scenario where RPA bots are not just programmed to perform predefined tasks but are also capable of understanding and generating human language. This is where the synergy of LLMs and RPA becomes a game-changer. Here are some ways in which LLM-powered RPA can revolutionize industries:

Enhanced Customer Support

LLM-powered RPA bots can engage with customers in natural, human-like conversations. They can understand customer queries, provide personalized responses, and even handle complex issues by accessing a vast knowledge base. This level of automation can significantly improve customer support services, reducing response times and ensuring consistent quality.

Intelligent Data Analysis

In industries like finance and healthcare, data analysis is a crucial task. LLM-powered RPA bots can not only analyze data but also generate insightful reports in a format that is easily understandable by humans. This can save organizations valuable time and resources while enabling data-driven decision-making.

Streamlined Document Processing

Many businesses deal with a large volume of documents daily. LLM-powered RPA bots can be trained to extract information from documents, classify them, and even generate summaries or reports based on the content. This can lead to faster document processing and reduced manual errors.

Multilingual Capabilities

For global businesses, language barriers can be a significant challenge. LLM-powered RPA bots can easily translate between languages, making it possible to communicate with customers, partners, and employees worldwide seamlessly.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

LLMs are known for their ability to learn and adapt to new data. This means that LLM-powered RPA bots can continuously improve their performance over time. They can stay up-to-date with industry trends, regulations, and customer preferences, ensuring that they always deliver the highest level of service.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for Tangentia's TiA implementation. Book a discovery call with us today to find out more about what Tangentia Intelligent Automation solutions can do for you.

Challenges and Considerations

While LLM-powered RPA holds tremendous potential, there are some challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Data Privacy: Handling sensitive data requires robust security measures to protect customer information.
  • Ethical Concerns: As LLMs generate human-like text, it's important to consider ethical implications, including the prevention of misinformation.
  • Integration Complexity: Integrating LLMs with existing RPA systems may require significant effort and expertise.
The Future of LLM-Powered RPA

As technology continues to advance, the fusion of Language Model Models with Robotic Process Automation is poised to revolutionize industries. The ability to automate tasks with a high degree of language understanding and generation will unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity. Organizations that embrace LLM-powered RPA early on will likely gain a competitive advantage in their respective markets.

In conclusion, LLM-powered Robotic Process Automation represents a remarkable leap forward in the automation landscape. It has the potential to redefine the way businesses operate, interact with customers, and analyze data. While there are challenges to overcome, the benefits of this technology are too significant to ignore. As we move forward, it will be fascinating to witness the the transformative power of LLM-powered RPA in action and the industries that it reshapes along the way.

Integrating LLM with RPA

This integration empowers RPA solutions to comprehend and interact with natural language, enhancing their effectiveness in handling unstructured text data, communicating with humans, and making informed decisions. By choosing the right LLM, establishing API integration, and defining specific use cases, organizations can benefit from improved natural language understanding, text data extraction, content generation, and decision support within their automated processes. However, it's essential to prioritize security, compliance, error handling, and testing, as well as consider scalability and cost management. Regular maintenance and monitoring, along with documentation and training, are critical for ensuring a successful and sustainable LLM-RPA integration that keeps pace with evolving technology.

Here are some steps and considerations for integrating LLM with RPA:

  • Understand the Use Case: Identify specific use cases where integrating LLM with RPA can provide value. LLMs can be used to extract information from unstructured text, generate human-like responses, perform data validation, assist with decision-making, and more.
  • Choose the Right RPA Tool: Select an RPA tool that supports integrations and has the necessary capabilities to interact with an LLM through APIs or other integration methods. Popular RPA tools include UiPath, Automation Anywhere, and Blue Prism.
  • Choose the Right LLM: There are several LLMs available, and you should select one that fits your needs. GPT-3 and similar models are popular choices.
  • API Integration: LLMs are usually provided as APIs. You’ll need to integrate this API into your RPA solution. Most LLMs have SDKs or libraries available for various programming languages.
  • Define Workflows: Create RPA workflows that involve interactions with the LLM. For example, you can use the LLM to extract data from documents, answer customer queries, or provide recommendations. Define the inputs and outputs of these workflows.
  • Develop Integration Logic: Write code or configure the RPA tool to interact with the LLM's API. You may need to send requests to the LLM API with text inputs and process the responses. The integration logic will depend on your specific use case.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling and exception handling mechanisms to manage situations where the LLM may not provide a valid response or when there are connectivity issues.
  • Test and Debug: Thoroughly test the integration to ensure it works as expected. Debug any issues and fine-tune the parameters and inputs for optimal performance.
  • Security and Compliance: Ensure that you follow security best practices and comply with data protection regulations when integrating an LLM with RPA. Handle sensitive data with care and encrypt communication between the RPA tool and the LLM.

The integration of Large Language Models with Robotic Process Automation is a powerful combination that can supercharge automation efforts in various industries. Whether it's automating customer interactions, document analysis, or content generation, the fusion of these technologies opens up a world of possibilities. By leveraging the intelligence of LLMs, businesses can gain a competitive edge and unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity.

As the field of automation continues to evolve, integrating LLMs with RPA promises to be a transformative force in the way organizations operate and interact with their customers and data. It's a step toward a future where intelligent automation becomes the norm, not the exception.

About the Author

Meenu Shaji

Meenu Shaji, a Junior RPA/AI Developer at Tangentia India Technologies, hails from Kerala and brings 1.5 years of hands-on experience with Automation Anywhere. Her project portfolio includes Symphony Freight, Symphony Mexico, and Popular Motors. Meenu holds an Automation Anywhere Masters certification and holds an IBM Process Mining Analyst Badge, reflecting her commitment to continuous learning. Through her blog, she shares practical insights, discoveries, and the latest trends in the dynamic landscape of RPA and AI.

Tangentia is an implementation expert in AI,RPA & Automation solutions & has partnerships with UiPath, Automation AnywhereBlueprism.

Get Started on Your Intelligent Automation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.

WatsonX – Pioneering the Fusion of Generative AI and Commercial Applications

Watsonx - Pioneering the Fusion of Generative AI and Commercial ApplicationsWatsonx - Pioneering the Fusion of Generative AI and Commercial Applications

Watsonx – Pioneering the Fusion of Generative AI and Commercial Applications

Tangentia Automation powered by IBM Watsonx is revolutionizing the landscape for enterprises of all sizes, facilitating the seamless integration of generative AI into their operations. Comprising three essential components, Watsonx empowers businesses to tailor their AI solutions according to their unique needs. provides user-friendly tooling for robust foundation models, while ensures efficient, scalable workloads across diverse data locations. The third component, Watsonx.governance, establishes crucial guardrails for responsible implementation. This holistic approach allows organizations to refine foundation models with domain-specific data, fostering a competitive edge and ensuring alignment with external sources of knowledge.

These advanced features, complemented by an extensive array of Tangentias machine learning and AI functionalities, are now accessible to independent software vendors (ISVs) and managed service providers (MSPs) through IBM's embeddable software portfolio. Supported by the IBM Ecosystem Engineering Build Lab and a robust partner ecosystem, Watsonx, alongside other IBM AI applications, libraries, and APIs, expedites the development of AI-powered commercial software, minimizing the reliance on specialized talent and developer resources.

A platform prioritized for enterprise AI

In line with IBM's commitment to aiding organizations in deriving business value from embedded generative AI, Watsonx caters to the most critical needs of enterprise developers. This includes text summarization, sentiment analysis-based input classification, text content generation, information analysis and extraction (or redaction), and question-answering functions. Partnering with Watsonx provides ISVs with flexibility in choosing models tailored to their industry, domain, and specific use cases, leveraging open-source models, third-party models, and IBM's proprietary Granite models.

The flexibility to incorporate proprietary data and fine-tune models for domain-specific tasks positions ISVs to better address the industry-specific needs of their clients. With Watsonx, IBM not only provides access to foundational models but also offers IP indemnity, instilling confidence in partners as they navigate AI creation.

Exceptional customer care through AI solutions

Exploring diverse AI use cases across industries, Watsonx proves invaluable in delivering exceptional customer care through AI solutions. Recognizing the growing significance of customer service in the generative AI landscape, companies can enhance their customer care portals with Watsonx Assistant and, accelerating time-to-market and meeting customer expectations.

Moreover, Watsonx facilitates the effortless generation of conversation transcripts, automation of Q&A sessions, and the extraction of key information. The platform's capabilities, exemplified by, enable concise conversation summaries and sentiment analysis, contributing to refined and improved information available to customer care agents.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for IBM WatsonX and TiA implementation. Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s intelligent automation team today to find out more about what IBM WatsonX can do for you.

Streamline your procurement process using WatsonX

In another context, organizations can streamline their procurement processes by integrating Watsonx into their enterprise solutions. Leveraging AI-infused supply chain management solutions, such as Watsonx Assistant,, and, developed by ISVs, companies can connect disparate processes and data, optimizing end-to-end solutions.

Watsonx Assistant, functioning as a user-friendly natural-language Q&A interface, interfaces with the supplier database, while generates database queries and content like Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Simultaneously, Watson Discovery analyzes supplier financial reports, and serves as a front end for the company's ERP system. This integrated approach empowers teams to work smarter, facilitating more informed and integrated business outcomes.

Benefits of building with IBM

ISVs who partner with IBM get more than just functionality. Our team will help you create a solution architecture that helps you embed our AI technology, explore how to monetize your solution set, provide technical resources and even help sell it through our seller network.

IBM Partner Plus, our partner program, provides business partners with a plethora of resources and benefits to help them embed technology. We find the following resonate especially well with partners looking to start their journey of building with IBM: the IBM Digital Self-Serve Co-Create Experience (DSCE), the IBM Ecosystem Engineering Build Lab and the IBM Sales Partner Advocacy Program.

DCSE helps data scientists, application developers and MLOps engineers discover and try IBM’s embeddable AI portfolio across watsonx, IBM Watson libraries, IBM Watson APIs and IBM AI applications. The IBM Ecosystem Engineering Build Lab provides partners with technical resources, experts and support to accelerate co-creation of their solution with embedded IBM technology. The IBM Sales Partner Advocacy Program is a co-sell benefit that encourages collaboration with IBM sales teams when partners sell their solution with embedded IBM technology to IBM clients.

Get Started on Your Intelligent Automation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s IBM Automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.

Elevate Your Operations – Crafting Intelligent Supply Chains with IBM Sterling and TiA

Elevate Your Operations - Crafting Intelligent Supply Chains with IBM Sterling and TiAElevate Your Operations - Crafting Intelligent Supply Chains with IBM Sterling and TiA

Elevate Your Operations – Crafting Intelligent Supply Chains with IBM Sterling and TiA

What is your organization doing to ensure that your B2B integrations are improving the flow of your essential data? Your company may rely on complex B2B integrations for your Electronic Data Interchange systems, to ensure that essential B2B solutions are able to communicate, and for a variety of other reasons.

The IBM Sterling B2B Integrator is a powerful B2B gateway that provides companies with a scalable and secure solution that’s always available for complex B2B integrations and all your EDI needs. This highly-customizable solution consolidates the flow of information across your B2B value chain and trading partner networks through a single, accessible gateway. Integrated with Tangentia's Intelligent Automation offering (TiA), IBM Sterling can also automate most of your repetitive and mundane processes and workflows with ease for increased productivity.

Supply Chain Solutions:
  • IBM Sterling Order Management: Elevate cross-channel efficiencies, refine complex product order management, and streamline fulfillment operations across commerce systems.
  • IBM Sterling Store Engagement: Extend control of store operations to associates through intuitive mobile applications, facilitating omni-channel offerings like “buy online, pick up in-store” and “ship from store.”
  • IBM Sterling Call Center: Address challenges in customer order management with tailored solutions for diverse business scenarios.
  • IBM Sterling Configure, Price, Quote: Disseminate product information across all channels, enabling accurate configuration, pricing, quoting, and ordering of products, services, and solution bundles.
  • IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility: Process high-volume inventory supply-and-demand updates, providing real-time availability across all e-commerce channels.
  • IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson: Leverage the power of Watson to minimize the total cost of serving customers by analyzing big data and optimizing operations in both stores and distribution centers.
  • IBM Sterling Supply Chain Insights with Watson: Enhance supply chain visibility, quickly detect disruptions, and collaborate effectively with colleagues and IBM Watson™ to resolve issues.
  • IBM Sterling Inventory Control Tower: Gain insights into inventory across all locations, predict disruptions, and take proactive actions based on recommendations to respond faster to market changes and enhance customer experiences.
  • IBM Sterling Supply Chain Business Network: Establish reliable connections with suppliers and partners, gaining deep visibility into B2B transaction life cycles and partner performance through cognitive technologies.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for IBM Sterling and TiA implementation. Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s intelligent automation team today to find out more about what IBM Sterling can do for you.

B2B Collaboration Solutions:
  1. IBM Sterling B2B Integrator: Run and manage processes according to your business requirements, supporting high-volume electronic message exchange, complex routing, translation, and interaction with multiple systems and external partners.
  2. IBM Sterling Secure Proxy: Ensure high-level data protection between external connections and your internal network, defining inbound and outbound node definitions for secure data exchange.
  3. IBM Sterling File Gateway: Facilitate movement of large file transfers with end-to-end visibility in a process-oriented, scalable framework, addressing challenges such as protocol and file brokering, automation, and data security.
  4. IBM Sterling Connect:Direct: Enable round-the-clock unattended operation for secure high-volume data exchange within and between enterprises.
  5. IBM Sterling Partner Engagement Manager: Accelerate onboarding, collaboration, interaction, monitoring, and visibility of activity flows between enterprises and their partners, customers, and suppliers.
  6. IBM Sterling Transformation Extender: Automate the transformation of complex high-volume transactions, supporting various standards-based B2B integrations and real-time integration of data from multiple applications and technologies.
  7. IBM Sterling Control Center: Centralize monitoring and management, allowing continuous oversight of business activities across the enterprise and the efficient management of Connect:Direct servers configuration and licenses.

At Tangentia, we are committed to providing innovative automation and smart B2B solutions that empower businesses to thrive in a dynamic and competitive landscape. Our partnership with IBM ensures the delivery of robust, scalable, and transformative solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern enterprises.

Get Started on Your Supply Chain Transformation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s B2B automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.

Transforming Document Workflow – The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with Decisions

Transforming Document Workflow - The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with DecisionsTransforming Document Workflow - The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with Decisions

Transforming Document Workflow – The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with Decisions

In today’s digital world, manual data entry is becoming increasingly obsolete. Businesses are constantly seeking new and efficient ways to extract and process data from documents. This information is essential for streamlining processes and making informed decisions. Intelligent data extraction (IDE) is a cutting-edge technology that addresses this challenge by automating the data extraction process with AI integration.

What is Intelligent Data Extraction?

IDE is a transformative technology that automates the process of capturing data from diverse documents, extracting relevant information, and organizing it in a structured format. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), IDE systems thoroughly analyze and process documents with remarkable accuracy and efficiency. This approach significantly reduces manual intervention and human errors, leading to improved productivity and faster processing times.

Benefits of Intelligent Data Extraction

Implementing IDE in your document processing workflows offers a multitude of interconnected benefits, including:

  • Enhanced accuracy: By automating extraction and validation, IDE reduces the risk of human errors, improving the data quality by ensuring precise and reliable information.
  • Reduced processing time: Automating data extraction and validation tasks reduces manual intervention and data entry. This approach accelerates the overall document processing workflow, saving time and improving operational efficiency.
  • Quicker response times: The swift extraction of relevant information from documents enables businesses to provide timely and accurate results, ultimately enhancing the customer experience.
  • Improved internal operations: IDE optimizes efficiency by automating tedious, time-consuming tasks. This allows employees to focus on strategic responsibilities, leading to better resource allocation and increased productivity.

The AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerce

Integrating IDE into your document processing workflows is a strategic move that drives efficiency and productivity. By automating the extraction of data from various documents such as invoices, offer letters, and billing documentation, businesses can accelerate their operations, lower costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

To maximize the benefits of IDE, leverage business process automation platforms that excel at AI orchestration. These platforms not only offer advanced data extraction capabilities but also seamlessly integrate with your existing processes and work with your legacy systems. This integration ensures a smooth transition and enables the enhancement of processes without disrupting the workflow or requiring a complete overhaul of existing systems.

By choosing a business process automation platform with AI orchestration capabilities, you can leverage the power of IDE while preserving the investments you have made in your current infrastructure. Such platforms provide a flexible and scalable solution that can adapt to your evolving business needs and integrate with various systems, databases, and applications. This compatibility empowers businesses to optimize their document processing workflows, achieve higher levels of efficiency, and make data-driven decisions.

Intelligent data extraction is a transformative technology that offers a wide range of benefits for businesses of all sizes. By automating the document processing workflow and eliminating manual data entry, IDE can help businesses improve accuracy, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. If you are looking for a way to optimize your document processing workflows, intelligent data extraction is a solution worth considering.

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Monthly Tangentia Byte September 2023

  • Tangentia Byte September 2023Tangentia Byte September 2023

    Monthly Tangentia Byte
    September 2023


Tangentia Open 2023 – A Resounding Success!  

We’re thrilled to share that Tangentia Open 3.0 exceeded all expectations with an outstanding lineup of speakers, engaging discussions, and a vibrant community of attendees discussions, and a vibrant community of attendees. 

Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the incredible speakers, partners, and attendees who contributed to this phenomenal achievement. Your active participation and enthusiasm made the event truly exceptional. 

As we reflect on this success, we’re more inspired than ever to continue shaping the future of technology and automation. Stay tuned for exciting updates and future events as we move forward together! 


Two Decades Strong: A Legacy of Success

Founded in 2003, Tangentia has pioneered the development of cutting-edge technologies that have helped businesses of all sizes to transform and grow. From its award-winning cloud computing platform TiA Gateway to its innovative TiA (Tangentia Intelligent Automation) suite of automation and machine learning solutions, Tangentia has always been at the forefront of technological innovation.

Over the past 20 years, Tangentia has built a strong reputation for excellence and reliability. Its customer base includes some of the world’s leading brands, and its solutions have been used to support a wide range of industries, including healthcare, financial services, and retail and manufaturing.

As Tangentia celebrates its 20th anniversary, it is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the years to come. The company has a strong foundation of innovation, expertise, and customer trust. It is also committed to investing in new technologies and expanding its global reach.

Tangentia’s 20th anniversary is a testament to the hard work and dedication of its employees, customers, and partners. We are truly grateful for the support received over the years and look forward to continuing to provide innovative technology solutions that help businesses to grow and transform.


Ecommerce 2.0 : The AI-powered Revolution

Delve deep into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in the world of e-commerce. Discover how AI is reshaping the online shopping experience, from personalized product recommendations to efficient operations and even combatting fake reviews.

Explore real-world examples from e-commerce giants like Amazon,, Alibaba, and eBay. Embrace the future of shopping and learn how AI is redefining the way we connect with brands and experience online retail. Read more about the incredible impact of AI in e-commerce here.


Strategic Approaches to RPA : Your Tactical Roadmap for Efficiency

Discover the strategic path to harnessing the power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with our insightful guide. In the ever-evolving world of business, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and productivity reign supreme. RPA technology offers the potential to achieve these goals, but selecting the right RPA project is crucial. Dive into our comprehensive article, as it explores the strategic considerations and steps to identify the optimal RPA project for your organization. Learn how to maximize productivity, reduce errors, save costs, and improve compliance with RPA. Read more about selecting the perfect RPA strategy


Thank you to all the enthusiastic participants of the

“Selfie with Ganesha 2023” contest! 

We extend our gratitude to all employees, both at our India-based offices and across the globe, for actively engaging in the “Selfie with Ganesha” contest. Your participation in spreading joy and extending good wishes during this festive occasion is sincerely appreciated.

An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified Company

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Decoding Robotic Process Automation Strategies: A Tactical Roadmap

Decoding Robotic Process Automation Strategies: A Tactical RoadmapDecoding Robotic Process Automation Strategies: A Tactical Roadmap

Decoding Robotic Process Automation Strategies
A Tactical Roadmap

In the contemporary business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking novel ways to enhance efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and productivity. Robotic process automation (RPA) has emerged as a revolutionary technology that holds the promise of achieving these objectives. However, selecting the appropriate RPA project is crucial to its success. This article will explore the strategic considerations and steps involved in choosing the most suitable RPA project for your organization.

The Rationale for Choosing RPA

Before delving into the selected project, it is imperative to briefly examine why RPA is garnering so much attention. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) entails software robots (or “bots”) performing repetitive, rule-based tasks in a process. RPA offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhancing productivity and efficiency
  • Reducing human error
  • Saving costs
  • Increasing accuracy
  • Improving compliance and data precision
Steps for Selecting an RPA Project
  1. Identification of Repetitive Tasks: Commence by identifying repetitive, legitimate, and time-consuming tasks in your organization. These functions are prime candidates for automation and range from data entry and billing to customer entry and reporting.
  2. Evaluation of ROI Potential: Identify the return on investment (ROI) potential of each project. Consider factors such as savings in time and effort, reduced error rates, and associated costs. Projects with higher ROI should be prioritized.
  3. Complexity and Stability: Assess the complexity of the process you intend to automate. Begin with stable processes and good data because they are easy to automate. Very unstable or complex processes may not be suitable for initial RPA projects.
  4. Information Availability and Quality: Ensure that the necessary information required for electronic use is valid, standardized, and of high quality. Incorrect or missing data can affect the performance of RPA.
  5. Integration Potential: Evaluate how well the selected project integrates with existing systems and applications. Seamless integration is crucial for flawless RPA implementation.
  6. Compliance and Security: Consider regulatory and data security issues. Monitor selected projects in accordance with industry regulations and safety standards.
  7. Stakeholder Support: Secure support from key stakeholders in the organization. Collaborate with departments such as IT, Finance, and Operations in decision-making.
  8. Scalability: Determine if the selected project can lay the foundation for scaling RPA efforts across the organization. Ideally, the chosen project should be a stepping stone towards broader RPA.

Choosing the appropriate Robotic Process Automation is a critical step in transforming your organization’s performance and productivity. By following these considerations, you can make informed decisions about how to maximize RPA’s potential while minimizing implementation issues. Remember that RPA is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and careful project selection is key to unlocking RPA’s full potential. Start small, learn from experience, and gradually scale your RPA program for long-term business success.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for RPA or for a review of your existing RPA and AI implementation. Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s automation team today to find out more about what RPA can do for you.

The Future is Autonomous : Tangentia & the Autonomous Enterprise

An Autonomous Digital Enterprise (ADE) is growth-oriented, replacing manual and redundant tasks with automated intelligence and freeing up people to be creative, serve customers, and collaborate on higher-level pursuits. The successful ADE is defined by these three criteria and outcomes

Actionable insights

By leveraging newer technologies and analytics, an ADE can move beyond data correlations and business or system alerts towards true actionable insights, broader perspectives, and predictive intelligence to drive faster, better decision making.

Business agility

By automating rote and redundant tasks, organizations gain the flexibility to better understand & guide the digital enterprise towards innovation, leading to significant improvements in customer satisfaction, employee engagement, & operational performance.

Customer centricity

By minimizing the effort required to manage the large, complex digital enterprise, employees are freed up to work closer with business lines and customers to better understand the dynamically changing market & provide a superior experience.

Get Started on Your Autonomous Digital Transformation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s intelligent automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.

The AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerce

The AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerceThe AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerce

The AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerce

In the fast-paced world of online commerce, the relentless pursuit of innovation has been the driving force behind its exponential growth. E-commerce, once a novel concept, has now become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping the way we shop and interact with businesses.

However, as technology continues to evolve, so too does the landscape of e-commerce. One of the most transformative and disruptive forces in this digital realm is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Artificial Intelligence, often referred to simply as AI, represents a fusion of advanced algorithms, data analysis, and machine learning capabilities that enable computers to mimic human intelligence.

Over the past few years, AI has swiftly woven itself into the fabric of e-commerce, revolutionizing every aspect of the industry, from product discovery and personalized recommendations to supply chain optimization and customer service. Its impact is profound, reshaping the dynamics of the online marketplace and, in turn, redefining the expectations and behaviors of both consumers and businesses.

In this article, we will delve deep into the captivating realm of how Artificial Intelligence is transforming e-commerce. We will uncover the manifold ways in which AI is empowering e-commerce platforms to provide enhanced customer experiences, streamline operations, and stay ahead in the fiercely competitive digital marketplace.

How AI Is Changing the E-commerce Landscape?

AI is making a significant impact on the world of e-commerce, transforming the way businesses operate and stay competitive.
Let's explore how some major e-commerce players, such as Amazon,, Alibaba, and eBay, are using AI to their advantage:

  • Amazon: Amazon is a leader in using AI to improve the customer experience. They employ AI-powered Alexa to understand what customers want and provide personalized product recommendations. Studies have shown that Amazon's recommendation system contributes to an impressive 35% of its total sales.
  • This Beijing-based e-commerce giant has partnered with Siasun Robot & Automation Co Ltd. to automate their warehouse operations using AI. By using generative AI and robotics, aims to make its product sorting and delivery more efficient, which will result in cost savings and increased revenue. They also plan to gradually reduce their manual workforce from 120,000 to 80,000 over ten years using AI.
  • Alibaba: Another major player in e-commerce, Alibaba, utilizes AI assistants like Tmall Genie and Ali Assistant to gain a competitive edge. Their AI-powered customer service chatbot handles an impressive 95% of customer inquiries, both written and spoken. Alibaba also uses AI for smart product recommendations, improved search functionality, and efficient delivery route planning. They've implemented a smart logistics system that has already reduced vehicle use by 10% and travel distance by 30%.
  • eBay: eBay has introduced Shopbot, an AI-powered shopping assistant designed to help users find the products they're looking for. Shoppers can interact with the assistant using text, voice commands, or by uploading images, and it provides accurate product information and recommendations.

These e-commerce giants are using AI in various ways to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and remain competitive in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. AI- driven innovations like personalized recommendations, automation, chatbots, and efficient logistics are helping these companies stay at the forefront of the industry.

The Advantages of Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce

The AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerce

Imagine a shopping experience where the items you see change according to your individual preferences and what you've bought before. Think about receiving recommendations for products that match your style and needs, even if you didn't realize you wanted them.

This isn't a distant dream; it's happening right now, thanks to the fast adoption of AI in online shopping. AI is revolutionizing the way we shop online, providing unmatched speed, customization, convenience, and personalization.

Here are some of the significant advantages of AI in e-commerce:

  • Gives a Customized Visual Search Experience: AI in e-commerce revolutionizes the search experience by recognizing products in images, providing relevant results, and offering a smoother and more enjoyable shopping experience. Customers can upload images and receive immediate suggestions for similar items, enhancing their shopping journey significantly.
  • Re-engages the Customers: Retargeting strategies in e-commerce are made efficient and effective with AI, ensuring marketing efforts target potential customers likely to convert. AI analyzes vast amounts of customer data, offering valuable insights for personalized communications and offers, ultimately re-engaging customers and guiding them through the sales process. AI-driven retargeting strategies reshape how businesses connect with potential customers, optimizing ad targeting based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Elevates Customization for Customers: Personalization in advertising is crucial for engaging customers, with AI-powered conversational marketing establishing a personalized connection and improving brand relationships. Brands leverage AI to deliver tailored shopping experiences, significantly boosting ROI and strengthening customer loyalty. Behr Paint, for example, utilizes AI-based conversational marketing to offer personalized recommendations and engage customers effectively, streamlining the shopping process and enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Identifies and Removes Fake Reviews: Addressing the issue of fake reviews in e-commerce, AI algorithms like Amazon's can identify and flag fake product reviews by considering factors such as “verified customer purchase” labels and helpful markings from other users. This ensures the integrity of customer feedback and empowers shoppers to make informed decisions with confidence.
  • Improved Product Searching: AI has empowered e-commerce brands to enhance the product search experience by delivering personalized and improved search results. Platforms like Clarifai and Gepard utilize AI to optimize product recognition and craft compelling product descriptions, enhancing product quality and consistency. tailors AI-powered site search solutions to retailers, allowing personalized sorting of search results based on customer preferences and behavior for a satisfying shopping experience.

The transformation brought about by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of e-commerce is nothing short of revolutionary. Tangentia's TiA Chatbot's have been assisting and streamlining ecommerce customer support, invoice management, customer relations and a variety of other services. AI has not only disrupted traditional shopping but has also elevated the entire online retail experience to new heights.

With AI's ability to personalize recommendations, streamline operations, enhance customer service, and provide innovative solutions to age-old challenges, it has become an indispensable tool for e-commerce businesses aiming to thrive in the digital age.

In this age of digital commerce, one thing remains clear: Artificial Intelligence is not merely transforming e-commerce; it is shaping the future of how we shop, connect with brands, and experience the world of retail.

Embracing AI's capabilities will be pivotal for businesses seeking to thrive and innovate in this ever-changing landscape, ultimately redefining the future of e-commerce in ways that we are only beginning to imagine.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for RPA or for a review of your existing RPA and AI implementation. Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s automation team today to find out more about what RPA can do for you.

The Future is Autonomous : Tangentia & the Autonomous Enterprise

An Autonomous Digital Enterprise (ADE) is growth-oriented, replacing manual and redundant tasks with automated intelligence and freeing up people to be creative, serve customers, and collaborate on higher-level pursuits. The successful ADE is defined by these three criteria and outcomes

Actionable insights

By leveraging newer technologies and analytics, an ADE can move beyond data correlations and business or system alerts towards true actionable insights, broader perspectives, and predictive intelligence to drive faster, better decision making.

Business agility

By automating rote and redundant tasks, organizations gain the flexibility to better understand & guide the digital enterprise towards innovation, leading to significant improvements in customer satisfaction, employee engagement, & operational performance.

Customer centricity

By minimizing the effort required to manage the large, complex digital enterprise, employees are freed up to work closer with business lines and customers to better understand the dynamically changing market & provide a superior experience.

Get Started on Your Autonomous Digital Transformation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s intelligent automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.

Revolutionizing Supply Chain with Generative AI : Efficiency, Precision, and Beyond

Revolutionizing Supply Chain with Generative AI : Efficiency, Precision, and BeyondRevolutionizing the Supply Chain with Generative AI: Efficiency, Precision, and Beyond

Revolutionizing the Supply Chain with Generative AI : Efficiency, Precision, and Beyond

In the fast-paced world of modern business, supply chain management plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless movement of goods and services. As companies strive for greater efficiency, precision, and adaptability, they have turned to cutting-edge technologies to address global supply chain challenges. One such game-changer is generative AI, which has emerged as a powerful tool to revolutionize the supply chain industry. In this article, we will explore how generative AI is transforming supply chain processes and what it means for the future of logistics.

Streamlining Inventory Management

Traditionally, inventory management has been a challenging task for companies, with overstocking and stockouts resulting in significant financial losses. Generative AI has stepped in to optimize inventory levels with impressive accuracy. By analyzing historical data and predicting future demand patterns, AI algorithms can forecast the right quantities of products to be stocked, thereby minimizing excess inventory and eliminating stockouts. This level of precision empowers businesses to maintain leaner, more cost-effective supply chains.

Predictive Maintenance and Reduced Downtime

Incorporating generative AI into supply chain systems facilitates predictive maintenance of machinery and equipment. AI algorithms analyze sensor data and machine performance metrics to predict potential breakdowns or maintenance needs well before they occur. As a result, companies can schedule maintenance activities proactively, minimizing costly downtime and disruptions to the supply chain. This approach not only saves money but also improves overall productivity and customer satisfaction.

Optimized Route Planning and Logistics

The logistics sector is reaping significant benefits from generative AI applications. Advanced algorithms can evaluate various factors, such as traffic conditions, weather patterns, delivery deadlines, and vehicle availability, to optimize route planning. By identifying the most efficient routes, companies can reduce transportation costs, decrease delivery times, and minimize their carbon footprint. The result is a greener, more economical supply chain, aligning with sustainability goals and meeting the growing expectations of eco-conscious consumers.

Enhanced Demand Forecasting

Accurate demand forecasting is critical for supply chain efficiency. Generative AI employs machine learning techniques to analyze vast amounts of historical data, customer behavior, market trends, and external factors affecting demand. By synthesizing this information, AI algorithms can produce more accurate and insightful demand forecasts. This level of precision enables companies to better allocate resources, adjust production schedules, and streamline distribution efforts, staying ahead of the competition.

Real-time Inventory Tracking and Traceability

Generative AI is also instrumental in providing real-time tracking and traceability solutions. With the integration of IoT devices and RFID tags, companies can monitor their products throughout the supply chain journey. This level of transparency enables efficient tracking, reduces the risk of theft, and enhances overall security. Moreover, in case of recalls or quality control issues, AI-powered traceability allows for targeted product retrieval and replacement, saving time and reducing potential negative impacts on consumers and brand reputation.

Generative AI is a transformative force in supply chain management, offering unprecedented levels of efficiency, precision, and adaptability. From optimizing inventory management to predictive maintenance, route planning to demand forecasting, this technology streamlines processes, reduces costs, and enhances customer satisfaction. As supply chains continue to evolve, embracing generative AI is not just an option but a necessity for businesses seeking to stay competitive in the ever-changing global landscape. Tangentia’s TiA suite of solutions combines the intelligence of generative AI, RPA and Business Process Management tools into a single cloud based platform that affordable while being rapidly and easily scalable. As the technology advances and becomes more accessible, we can expect to witness even more groundbreaking applications, reshaping the supply chain industry for years to come.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for RPA or for a review of your existing RPA and AI implementation. Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s automation team today to find out more about what RPA can do for you.

The Future is Autonomous : Tangentia & the Autonomous Enterprise

An Autonomous Digital Enterprise (ADE) is growth-oriented, replacing manual and redundant tasks with automated intelligence and freeing up people to be creative, serve customers, and collaborate on higher-level pursuits. The successful ADE is defined by these three criteria and outcomes

Actionable insights

By leveraging newer technologies and analytics, an ADE can move beyond data correlations and business or system alerts towards true actionable insights, broader perspectives, and predictive intelligence to drive faster, better decision making.

Business agility

By automating rote and redundant tasks, organizations gain the flexibility to better understand & guide the digital enterprise towards innovation, leading to significant improvements in customer satisfaction, employee engagement, & operational performance.

Customer centricity

By minimizing the effort required to manage the large, complex digital enterprise, employees are freed up to work closer with business lines and customers to better understand the dynamically changing market & provide a superior experience.

Get Started on Your Autonomous Digital Transformation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s intelligent automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.