Environmental Policy

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Environmental Policy

In all of its commercial endeavors, Tangentia is dedicated to being a leader in environmental matters. Tangentia has long-standing company policies that support safe and healthy workplaces, environmental preservation, and resource conservation. Over time, they have benefited both the environment and our company, and they serve as the basis for the following corporate policy goals:

  • 1. Create a safe and healthy work environment, and make sure that employees are appropriately taught and equipped with safety and emergency gear.
  • 2. Act immediately and responsibly to address events or situations that jeopardise health, safety, or the environment, and be an environmentally conscious neighbour in the communities where we operate. Inform the affected persons as needed and immediately report them to the appropriate authorities.
  • 3.Preserve natural resources by using recyclable packaging and other materials, recycling and reusing waste products, and buying recycled goods.
  • 4. Create, produce, and market goods that are safe for their intended purpose, energy-efficient, environment-friendly, and able to be reused, recycled, or disposed of properly.
  • 5. Use environmentally friendly development and production techniques, such as reducing waste, preventing contamination of the air, water, and other resources, reducing hazards to people's health and safety, and disposing of waste in a safe and responsible manner.
  • 6. Ensure that energy is used responsibly throughout our company, especially by conserving energy, increasing energy efficiency, and, when practical, favouring renewable energy sources over non-renewable ones.
  • 7.Be a part of initiatives to advance environmental protection and understanding globally and exchange the best pollution prevention technologies, information, and practises.
  • 8. Make use of Tangentia's products, services, and knowledge globally to help with the creation of environmental problem-solving strategies.
  • 9.Conform to or surpass all statutory and other applicable governmental requirements as well as Tangentia's own voluntary standards. No matter where in the world the company operates, we set and uphold strict standards.
  • 10.Continually work to enhance Tangentia's environmental management system and performance, and regularly let the public know how things are doing.

Every Tangentia employee and contractor is required to abide by this policy and to notify management of any environmental, health, or safety concerns. It is required of managers to act quickly.

You can contact us at legal@Tangentia.com. You can also mail us at Legal Department; 130 Queens Quay East, Suite 601, Toronto, Ontario, Canada- M5A0P6